Some people put off having their hearing tested because they are nervous or anxious about what to expect. We hope this overview will put your mind at ease!
- Most hearing exams take between 20-30 minutes. Hearing aid evaluations and consultations are scheduled for 1 hour.
- When you arrive, you will be greeted by our front desk staff for a simple check-in process. They will collect your insurance cards, a photo ID, and a few simple forms.
- You will start your appointment in our sound-proof booth, where the hearing test will be performed.
Your audiologist will ask you some questions about your overall health, your hearing, and how any hearing difficulties may be impacting your daily life.
- Your audiologist will look in your ears to check for wax or any physical abnormalities (otoscopy).
- You will either wear a set of headphones or earbuds for the testing. An audiometer is used to transmit a range of sounds or spoken words at various frequencies (pitches) and volume levels. You will indicate when you hear each sound. Bone conduction testing is performed in the same way. You will wear a headband-type device for this portion of the testing. Another important component of the hearing exam is speech testing, which will check how loud speech needs to be for you to hear it and how clearly you can understand spoken words.
- When the testing is complete, your audiologist will review the results with you. A visual of the audiogram (graph of your hearing) will be shown to you and explained in detail.
In most cases, the comprehensive hearing evaluation is billed to your insurance company. If our providers are out of network or you are without insurance coverage, the exam is $105.