Summer is flying by! I hope you have all been able to spend extra time with friends and loved ones in the sunshine! With the summer months comes the risk of more noise exposure. Summertime activities can expose your ears to high levels of noise, which can lead to hearing loss over time. Buzzing lawn mowers, concerts, and firecrackers can be damaging to our hearing. Now is the perfect time to think about hearing protection!

Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the only type of hearing loss which can be prevented. However, many people don’t think about the damaging effects of louder everyday noises.

Many individuals do not realize that they have noise-induced hearing loss since it can happen gradually over time. When the change is slow, the brain simply adjusts to a lower hearing acuity. One sign of noise-induced hearing loss is tinnitus. This can be an indication of high frequency sensorineural hearing loss and should not be ignored.

Be sure to use caution this summer around dangerous loud sounds. If you experience tinnitus or suspect a hearing loss, scheduling a comprehensive hearing exam is important.

Here at Family Hearing Care we provide custom hearing protection options for many of our patients. Individuals who work in a factory setting find it to be a better option over traditional foam plugs. Concert goers also find benefit from our musician’s plugs.

We are happy to assist you in any way we can! 

Yours for best hearing,

 Kelsie Tomlin, AuD & Emily Casson, AuD