To address hearing loss, it is important to first acknowledge the signs of hearing loss. Does your loved one turn up the volume way too loud on the TV or radio? Are they always asking you to repeat yourself? Do they seem withdrawn or distant lately? These are just a few signs of hearing loss.

If you suspect that a loved one may be suffering from hearing loss, the plan of action should be to take a hearing test as soon as possible. Convincing your loved one to take a hearing test, however, is often not such an easy task. Try not to get frustrated, nag or pester your loved one. Trying to force them may make them want to resist your important advice. Remember, hearing loss can be a sensitive subject for some who associate hearing loss with “growing old”. Try to remind your loved one of the things they’re missing out on and would love to hear again. Gentle encouragement could one day get your loved ones to seek the hearing care that they need.

Hearing loss is serious and can burden relationships, isolate people, and lead to much confusion, misunderstanding, and anger. For these reasons and many more, it’s essential to not ignore the problem of hearing loss, and to encourage and help your loved one deal with it immediately. If you are concerned and want your loved one to act, here are a few tips on encouraging a loved one to take a hearing test.

Do Your Research

There is a lot of information online about hearing loss. Over the decades, there have been countless studies about how untreated hearing loss can affect all areas of one’s life: employment, mental health, physical health, and of course, interpersonal relationships. Studies from John Hopkins have found that untreated hearing loss affects your cognitive abilities and could increase the risk for developing dementia. Other studies show how untreated hearing loss could lead to a higher risk for falls and accidents and hospitalizations.

Familiarize yourself with hearing loss facts and have them ready when encouraging a loved one to take a hearing test.

Discuss Your Own Experiences With Your Loved One

Speaking about one’s hearing loss can be a sensitive topic, and for this reason, you want to avoid making your loved one feel defensive. Rather than pouring all your frustrations on them, discuss your experiences with them that have been challenging for you. Speak on specific examples, if possible, rather than accusing statements about their actions.


There is a huge chance your loved one already is aware that something has changed. Give them an opportunity to discuss their fears and frustrations with the changes in their hearing. Ask open-ended questions about their experience and how they’ve been adjusting. Allow them to speak uninterrupted.

Offer Support and Encouragement To Take A Hearing Test

Hearing loss can be an isolating experience. More than likely, your loved one will appreciate your care and concern for their well-being, as well as valuing your relationship. Offer your loved one support on their journey to better hearing health and remind them that the first step on this journey is to take a hearing test.

At Family Hearing Care, we provide comprehensive hearing evaluations. Our team is here to support you and your loved one as you seek treatment for better hearing health.